Sunday, December 23, 2007

I guess this thing's finally up.

I've been putting off switching to blogger for some time, and I finally got around to it.

I decided to go with a frank and honest attitude, using proper opinion-class journalistic methods, excluding the "objective observer" rule that nobody follows anyways, and is a complete lie made to make yourself look more professional than you are.

Even when someone is a professional, false attempts at being objective simply make them look like a phoney. (A word I will likely use in a lot of my more angered posts.) I would argue that this is the real reason people find the blogospher more honest than traditional news media, not because of it's raw nature, which may soon die due to lible law anyways.

As of who I am, I guess you could call me the atypical American you never hear about. I'm moderate on many issues. I often find the two sides of most political issues, and most issues in general, always seem to just get in a shouting match and never actually listen to each other.

I'm a strong pacifist. I feel that lethal force let alone war is rarely necessary, if ever, and often the best defense is the other side knowing that you are holding back intentionally for their own sake, as they don't exactly want you to stop doing that.

While I'm an advocate of many degrees of privacy, I actually approve of security cameras, tattleboxes and other such devices, so long as people are informed of their use.

I'm against the Iraq war, but would never blame the Soldier. How could I? They're just doing what they're told. Frankly, I blame the people giving the orders training and standing orders for anything that happens war time.

I'm avidly pro-life, yet I think that aggressive anti-abortion laws would just cause invasion of medical privacy by police and result in no real societal change, as the profession would just go underground. It would be far more effective to encourage cultural changes to respect life more in general.

I am Christian myself, but quite honestly I find most Christians Hypocrites. My stomach turns when I hear people quoting Old Testament verses that Jesus himself condemned for their obsolescence. What has it been 2000, years now?

I am quite honestly unsure where I stand on homosexuality, but I know a few things. First, unmoral heterosexual behavior is just as bad as whatever homosexual behavior could be considered immoral, giving a the vast majority of the population a lack of any moral high ground here. Second, it is not up to the government to decide such things, nor is it up to them to force any one person to acknowledge ANY marriage outside of standard legal context. Third, I believe Jesus said it best "Judge not lest ye be judged." I don't want anyone criticizing my relationship with my wife, or anything about my life at all so I'm not going to go around judging other people's sexual behavior.

To be completely honest, I don't see how the government has a right to define any definition beyond Civil Union. I think only Religious and Philosophically organizations have the right to define the term "Marriage" and they are free to each have their own definition as such, so long as they respect people's right to diversity and individuality. If they don't like someone's definition they don't have to associate with them within their organization.

Moving along on similar subjects, I personally advocate monogamy. I managed to stay celibate until I got married, and while it wasn't exactly easy, it was well worth it. To be subtle but still brutally honest, the Victorian era of excessive censorship has robbed society of the more positive rationals for monogamy. In fact the residual of that era is why I can't go into detail on an open post.

As of my general life I've been stuck unemployed due to disability for the past few years. Honestly, anyone who says people on social security are "just lazy" needs to take a more complete look at the situation. Between prejudice of companies against disabilities, complete lack of initial references at age 26, due to the first one, no experience, also due to the first one. The unemployed persons with disabilities rate has become a self-propagating problem, largely due to society wide procedures that should have been reviewed a long time ago.

I will gladly post more some other time, but it's late, I'm tired, and I probably need to check my mail and hit a forum or two before going to bed.