Monday, June 16, 2008

Church and life

A week ago, I started attending a new church: Christian Central Church, Disciples of Christ. It seems to be surprisingly hard to find open and friendly churches these days.

My wife is going to be baptized soon. Something she's been wanting for much of her wife, but arguements between her parents/step-parents has prevented. Both of us are going to be getting

There is an overly regressive pattern in churches in my area that people shouldn't think in church, you shouldn't treat Non-Christians as your equal, not to mention the whole eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth fire and brimstone Old Testament style teaching.

Frankly the hypocrisy makes me sick, and it is everywhere not just locally, but on the Internet as well. I know that I should try and not judge people for it, but it's hard. Usually I try to treat such people with the same respect I would anyone else, but I feel they are dragging the name of Christ and Christianity through the mud. It is so hard to turn the other cheek when they treat me like a sinner for doing what I believe is the right thing. I know that when I give them a tung-lashing for it; doing so only makes me a sinner in the same way. I instead have to simply set a good example and find the chances to point out when they do things right. I guess I just need to learn to be more meek at times.

As of my life outside of church (as "secular life" is an oxymoron to me but I won't go into it.) My job has encountered some bumps but I'm still doing OK.

My garden and yard are taking a beating while my foots injured I had to call my father over to mow the lawn and finished a chickenwire fence for my peas. I need to go through and thin them later, as well as do some minor weeding.

I only remove actually harmful weeds from my garden, things that do actual damage to the crop at the stage it's in. Anything else is a self-planted cover crop IMO. God made a wide variety of plant types: if you learn what types coexist, at what stages of growth, you can actually let nature provide you with plants that will fight off less desirable invaders while securing up the soil and reducing water loss to sunlight.

My wife has been doing well, and her stress level is way down. She had decided to quit the local MR/DD work program and just wait until she can find a job through BVR. The fact that the poor economy has lead MR/DD to have little to no work for them largely has to do with this, as instead of getting cabin fever at home where she feels safe, she gets it there instead.

I'm probably going to be useless around the house for the next week, which is a shame, because I recently got a few new garden tools that I wanted to try out, including a nice garden mattock, which is the first cultivation tool I've found that can actually break through the grass roots in my back yard.

I also need to use the trimmer edge the patio and put fine mulch between the bricks to prevent regrowth, and then use the trimmer to remove the grass around a tree in the front yard where I want to add another flower bed next year.

Than there is a whole bunch of other work to be done both indoors and out. Including incredible amounts of weeding in the back yard, fixing a few chairs, and a complete overhaul of my old futon.

Twisted ankle

about a week ago I twisted my ankle.

It still hurts pretty bad when it flairs up every night. I have to stay off of it until friday, and then have to continue wearing a brace most of the time for a few more weeks after that.

The doctor said it was a strained tendon. One of the outside tendons on the left foot. Tomorrow, I have to go get a brace she prescribed.

Finally another update. Linux related this time!

Well I got my computer together and installed Linux.

I did a little tinkering to try and get the graphics card to run 3D, but alas it given me nothing but trouble so I put it in 2D mode now, and will either do so "when I get around to it" or just buy a better card which has good drivers.

I checked the web sites of various drivers, and it turns out they are making rapid progress on stablizing the issues I was experiencing.

Also the open source driver project for the card I plan to get, the RadeonHD 2x00 (R500+), just got near complete spec data when AMD released the info publicly. It also seems that the card's regular driver has fewer bugs. I also noted the workarounds for fixing the bug I had encountered. I could implement it last resort, if the bug wasn't fixed when they claimed it was (they already had the bug reappear once before.)

On a more positive note, I got Wine running FireFox perfectly on Linux. It's the first step. I'm also going to set up Windows on a Virtual machine.

I possibly may run two versions in VM due to repetitive issues with Windows XP 64bit edition and the fact that I hate Vista with a passion. I may end up getting Vista and just modding the setup until it runs like a hybrid of Windows 2003 server and Windows XP.