Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Presidential Debate

The political debate was last night, strangely the most angering thing McCain said was not when he claimed he had such great tactical decision making, but when he started calling Obama "That one."

In case you didn't know, while 2nd person use of "one" is a respectful gender nutral pronoun, as in "taking care of One's own" using it attached to a objective pronoun such as "that" is considered dehumanization. often used as a form of prejudice propaganda.

For example, contrast these statements:

The blind person walked down the street.
That one walked down the street.

A person with autism requires special attention.
That one requires special attention

A devout Jewish man was praying at the temple.
That one was praying at the temple.

The Shiite cleric said the time for war was over and we should make peace.
That one said the time for war was over and we should make peace.

And finally:
The opposing candidate voted for that bill.
Who voted for that bill? That one!

The reason for this is that if you analize each of those sentances, the person is refered to by "That" which is an object form pronoun, like in "that suit doesn't seem to fit you right" or "that house needs some work done before it will sell for full value."

Such derogatory patterns of speech such as dehumanization don't belong on the podium in a formal presidential debate, in fact they should hardly be tolerated when made by shock jocks, or in some blogger's rant.

1 comment:

Dre said...

Good analysis. "Dehumanization" pretty much nails the use of "that one".