Friday, August 22, 2008

Lots of stuff hanging over my head

Well first with the good stuff on my mind.

I became a Mod at This makes me feel that at least some people appreciate my intelligence.

Second, I'm working on a job adjustment program. The person working with me actually likes my ideas and the way I present them in a moderate and rational manner. I'm slowly reconsidering several careers that involve public speaking, and/or journalism. There are an aweful lot out there that an independent thinker, especially considering all of my unique personal life experience to draw from.

As of the negatives:
First the stress of the election is driving me and my wife crazy.

Me and my wife like Obama, and several of the third party candidates, but are mostly backing Obama, simply because it's rare to see even a decent, let alone good primary candiate even if he pales in comparison to the excellence of one or two of the third party candidates. It's also rare to see someone with both good morals and judgement of Carter, and the ability to be a good leader and surround himself with other good leaders of Clinton.

It doesn't help that several people in my wife's family are big McCain backers, despite the fact that the guy's a complete ignoramus who doesn't understand what the average person is going through, or anything much about the information age, for that matter. (The fact that eBay was the best example of a successful Internet company he could come up with says something, and the fact that he didn't even know the name it was founded under says more.)

Second, My wife's great grandmother had to go to the hospital earlier and despite being released is still not too well. My wife and I need to head down to the nursing home to check on her.

Third it's been so hot out, I can't do anything outside. Fortunately the grass slowed it's growth to a crawl, so i don't have to worry much about cutting it, but it's still boring being around the house, my legs feel idle, and I'm loosing my endurance.

Finally I have a bad migrain, I guess there's not much to say about that one, except that it sucks.

Well I guess that's all for today, a lot of bad stuff, some good stuff, all of it stressful, but I guess I can make the best of it, and gain something from all of it.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Linux hard to use?

I've constantly been told by people how hard to use Linux is, when I've recently been looking at my wife. My wife has very little computer experience, yet is able to do virtually everything on a Linux computer that she needs to do, and quickly learns new tasks.

Since I've introduced her to Linux, she's learned how to do many functions on the computer herself.

As a testament to her technological limitations: she still plugged the speakers into the microphone jack when she hooked them up. This is not an insult, just a typical computer newbie mistake. In fact, I still do it occasionally, the difference being that I realize it, and fix it as soon as I hear that the sound does not work.

Yet, with this limitation, Linux is easy to use. In fact, it is probably easier than Windows. She has no problem finding and using the word processor or web brower, and I'm even managing to teach her how to handle the automated updates.

Any company that uses "linux is difficult to use" as an excuse is obviously just covering up that they don't want to admit to shareholders that they waisted thousands or sometimes millions of dollars on software, when they could have probably spent less on Linux service contracts.

Of course, I may be biased, considering that doing something "just for fun" and then getting paid to provide services for it sounds like an ideal job for me.

"You are not spam"

Blogger recently posted "You are not spam, You knew this, and now we do too" about their recent bug in their spam reporting system. They then gave a full explination and what ammounted to an appology for inconvience.

Blogger, I'm glad someone can finally take a humorous approach to admitting system defect, while not demeaning the issue. This is a good example of the good customer relations that more companies need.

For years companies have been bitching and moaning every time they have to report a bug, or even denying it ever existed to prevent lawsuits. It seems someone got it right for the change!

I guess I can't be cynical all the time with a few companies run by good people.